Who Moved My Cheese?












Nth Degree Software


Continuously change & improve your job





Why Use It

The purpose of this template is to help individual workers find ways that enrich their jobs and increase their contribution levels to businesses or organizations. It is designed to analyze the routine work environment and identify unnecessary work that can be eliminated, shorten cycle times to complete activities, upgrade low-value tasks, or add new tasks to better utilize talents.


How to Use It





List all work activities during a normal cycle of your work (one day, one week or more). Record with the activities: a) the amount of time spent doing the activity, b) your authority to change the activity, c) the value of the activity 1=Low, 10=High.

Ideas for Changing

1.    Jot down ideas for improvement, particularly ways to simplify and reduce the time spent on the activity.

2.    If you think the activity can be eliminated state the reasons why.

3.    Consider delegating the activity to mentor capabilities of others.

Note: There is a difference between ‘delegating’ and ‘dumping’.



For those activities that you want to change, list what you think is the benefit of changing?  Identify the Payoff as H (High) or easy to implement with little cost, L (Low) or difficult to implement with high cost. Pose the following questions to help identify the most promising activities to change:

·      Does productivity improve or decrease?

·      Does the change increase customer satisfaction?

·      Does it contribute to the greater good of the group?

·      Does it increase my job satisfaction or align with my purposes?

·      What would it take to change?

·      Who would notice if I stopped doing the activity?

·      If I changed the activity, would it really be better or just different?


New Activities

to Add

Ask yourself, “What are things that I am not now doing that I could start doing to make a difference in my job and add value?”  Realize that in order to spend time on adding activities you will need to reduce the time spent on low value activities or eliminate wasted time.


For those activities over which you have not been given the authority and control to change, look toward becoming empowered in order to make changes. Determine who has control so you can discuss your ideas with the right person.


Work Observation & Improvement Template


List current activities: include (time spent) and if you have the personal authority to change (Yes / No)


1=L, 10=H

Ideas for Changing

(Improving, eliminating, delegating)


High Medium Low





















New Activities to Add

Reasons for adding








