Who Moved My Cheese?












Nth Degree Software


The “Busyness” Syndrome





Why use it

A first step in managing change in your work/life is finding enough “Time” to “Think” about it. Make sure that you are not so busy that you … “Don’t even have time to think.”


How to Use It

Workers who complain about having too little time often thrive on the sense of fulfillment that busyness generates. But this is the “trap of overwhelming demand.” Workers who get caught in this trap become prisoners to their routine.


o  The tyranny of routine “busywork”: We are all creatures of habits and routine. There is nothing wrong with routine, except if we mindlessly keep doing the same old things in the same old ways.  A habituated work pattern closes your mind and prevents you from taking necessary steps towards improved performance.


o  The pride of routine: Rather than viewing your work as routine or mechanical, view it as a way to master your craft.  Focus on your routines as an opportunity for change and personal learning and growth. Use your routines as an exploration into who you are and how you express yourself with something larger.


So … Find time to think

If you really want to manage change, the first thing you need to do is make a conscious effort to stop & think about things differently. Give yourself the time to notice opportunities for improvement and change.



