Who Moved My Cheese?


Applet 3: Monitor Change










Drill Down Questions  [Back]

Facilitator Questions

o What does the current situation/problem “change” look like right now? What might this change look like 1 year from now?

o Do I have any biases about this changing situation/problem? Do they limit me?

o What are the biases of others involved with this problem?

o Do I need to consider this change from other people’s points of view?

o Can I break this situation/problem down into something smaller to understand it better?

o Do I think this change may be part of a larger problem?   

o Do I take full responsibility for what happens to me in life?

o Who can I develop better relationships with?

o What one thing could I change to make a tremendous difference in my job?

o What can you change to improve the quality of your work?

o What do I need to do to change and improve my relationships with people?

o What new people would I like to include in my life?

o Do I do more listening than talking?