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Thinklets - Tools for the mind.

So what are thinklets? Thinklets can be viewed as mental triggers or “thought switches” that activate thinking patterns not commonly used.  In its purest sense a Thinklet can be as simple as asking the right question at the right time. Or, a Thinklet may provide small bursts of thinking stimuli (expert “facilitation” questions) embedded in traditional thinking techniques, templates, and worksheets. 


These thinklets help the thinker alter routine thinking patterns and activate not commonly used patterns leading to new associations, relationships and ultimately new innovative ways of thinking. There are four basic kinds of thinklets.  

  • Trigger Questions: Ask the right question helps the mind find the right answer.
  • Thinking Techniques: Instead of routine thinking, use fresh thinking patterns
  • Templates: Guided thinking with forms, worksheets and models.
  • Tutors: Clarity and just-in-time understanding is essential for effective thinking.




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Thinklet by Types of Thinking

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 Thinking Functions (Types of thinking)   addendumtools


·        Observe and become aware of problems & opportunities

·        Define and describe the problem or situation.

·        Analyze and understand the details.

·        Create and innovate something new or different

·        Systems Think the whole problem or situation

·        Tap into Subconscious thinking

·        Decision making tools

·        Project management tools

·        Team thinking tools


Observe-It obsret

Use these tools to promote awareness of opportunities or prevent problems from arising.

See Descriptions


Tools for gathering, filtering and organizing data into useful relevant information.

See Descriptions

  1. Problem (Opportunity) Statement
  2. Eye-of-the-Beholder Viewpoints
  3. Customer Observation & Analysis
  4. Mindfulness & Transformation
  5. Problem vs. Opportunity vs. Issue
  6. Delphi Technique
  7. Observing Trends and Analysis
  8. Historical Pattern Observation
  9. Product (Service) Observation and Analysis
  10. Process Improvement Observation & Analysis
  11. Individual Work Observation and Improvement
  12. Putting Problems on the Table
  13. Personal  Observation & Understanding


1.      Basic Background Information            

2.      Transient (Change) Description

3.      Data Relevancy Analysis          


Understand Key Information

5.      Data Gathering Strategy

6.      Data Types

7.      Data Collection Tools

8.      Current Data

9.      Past or Standard Data

10.  Future Data

11.  Non Data

12.  Mind Mapping

13.  Affinity Diagram

14.  Pareto Chart

15.  SIPOC Diagram

16.  Input-Process-Output (IPO) Chart

17.  Interaction & Relationships Matrix

18.  Voice of the Customer

19.  Value Stream Mapping (System Map)

Analyze-It anatoolret

An array of tools to achieve a detailed understanding of any problem or situation.

See Description


Tools that promote the same core qualities of creative action that creative geniuses follow.

See Description

1. SWOT Analysis  

2. Obstacle (Gap) Analysis 

3. Root Cause Analysis Questions

4. Deviation Analysis     

5. SWOT Jump Start Survey

6. STOP (Situation-Target-Obstacle-Proposal)

7. Cause & Effect (Fishbone) Diagram 

8. Why/Because Causal Chain

9. Practical Solution - Pros & Cons Analysis

10. Failure Mode and Effect Analysis (FMEA)

11. Run & Control Charts

12. Scatter Diagrams (Correlation Charts)

13. Histogram (Frequency) Chart

14. Data Presentation & Analysis


1. Basic Creativity Trigger Questions

2. Brainstorming with Note Cards

3. Idea & Solution Requirements

4. Reverse Thinking

5. Creative Focus Statement

6. Classic Group Brainstorming

7. Personal Brainstorming

8. Thinking in Analogies

9. Regular Association

10. Fantasy or Wishful Thinking

11. Worst Ideas

12. Attribute Brainstorming

13. Imaginary & Backward Thinking

14. Scenario Building

15. Assumption Reversal

Systems Thinking systoolsret

These tools look at the broader context in which the problem resides and helps determine the points at which change can have the greatest impact.

See Description

Subconscious Thinking

Tools to tap into a vast reservoir of knowledge and creativity you did not know you had.

See Description

1 Vision and Mission Statements

2. Reframe the Problem or Opportunity

3. Goal Statement Development

4. Preferred Futures Statement

5. Futures Wheel

6. Systems Think Problems or Opportunities

7. Real Problem Analysis

8. Purposes & Goals Analysis

9. Group Goal Setting (Shared Understanding)

10. Personal Goal Setting

11. Systems Feedback

12. Systems Hierarchy

1. Mind Mapping

2. Incubation

3. Personal Visioning       

4. Unclutter Your Mind to Think Better

5. Tap Your Subconscious For Ideas

6. Personal Performance Success Patterns

7. Using Your Subconscious Mind

8 Awareness Journaling


Decide-It dectoolsret

Gives a better chance for making the right decision with a variety of quantitative, qualitative, group and intuitive decision-making tools.

See Descriptions


Achieve project objectives: quality, on time, and within budget with these tools.

See Descriptions

1. Prioritization Matrix

2. Decision Making Strategies 

3. Force Field and Change Analysis

4. Evaluation Criteria Checklist

5. So What Test

6. Certainty Test

7. Multi-voting (Large List Reduction)

8. Idea Evaluation

9. Criteria Decision Matrix

10. Consensus

11. Paired Comparison Grid

12. Intuitive Coin Flip

13. Go/No-Go Decision

14. Validate the Correctness of the Decision

15.Pros and Cons Analysis Template

16. Do Nothing Alternative

17. Weighted Decision Making

1. Project Roadmap (Milestone Chart)  

2. Project Charter

3. Responsibility Assignment Template

4. Action Work Plan

5. Balanced Scorecard - Dashboard

6. Cost/Benefit Summary  & Go No/Go

7. Manage & Resolve Anything

8. Gantt Chart

9. CPM/PERT Diagram

10. Five How’s

11. Future Events Action Plan

12. Task and Resource Template

13. Contingency Plan & Corrective Action

14. Status Reporting

15. Change Request

16. Prioritized To Do List

17. Lessons Learned Facilitator Questions

18. Post Project Summary Template 

Team Thinking teamtoolret

Tools to harness the collective intelligence and genius of teams.

See Description

Team Thinking cont.teamtoolret


1. Dialogue Process

2. Devil’s Advocate

3. Group Goal Setting

4. Collaborative Team Effectiveness

5. Assemble a High Performance Team

6. Establish a High Performance Environment

7. Drivers of Team & Organizational Success

8. Impacts of Beliefs on Team Thinking 

9. Nominal Group Technique (NTG)

10. Role Playing

11. Team Productivity Tips

12. Responsibility Assignment Matrix

13. Time Manager Log & Review

14. Top 10 List to Improve Use of Time

15. Meeting Communication Style 

16. Manage Conflict


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