Mental Muscle Builder - $7.95

Use this application to strengthen your whole mind and improve your overall thinking abilities.


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At the highest level, our mind is comprised of the following four components. When they work together thinking is immensely easier. If one component of the mind is not working well it impacts the others. Use Mental Muscle Builder exercises to help strengthen your overall thinking abilities.


  • Rational Thinking (left-brain): This is the mode of thinking that we are most familiar with. It follows logical, sequential and rational thinking patterns.


  • Creative Thinking (right-brain): Creative thinking is more about following less patterned and unstructured thinking.


  • Reflective Thinking (intra-personal): Reflective thinking relates to a person’s capacity to ask and receive understanding from within oneself.


  • Collaborative Thinking (inter-personal): This type of thinking relates to a person’s ability to think collaboratively and to work cooperatively. It’s a very powerful way of thinking. toolmenu


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Mental Muscle Builder – Whole Mind Thinking

Exercise Menu

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Rational Thinking            (left-brain)


·         Diagram

·         Graphics

·         Tables

Pattern Recognition

·         If – Then Logic

·         What –If  Reasoning  

·         Alphanumeric

·         Mathematical     



Creative Thinking           (right-brain)

·         Reversal

·         Assumptions

·         Rearrange

·         Imagery

·         Associations




Reflective Thinking        (intra-personal)

·         Analogy

·         Probability

·         Word Math

·         Spatial Recognition

·         Illusions


Collaborative Thinking    (inter-personal)

·         Tangram

·         Rebuses (Observation)

·         Venn Diagrams


·          Clear & Concise & Listening

·          Team

·         Positive Communication










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