MBA Mentor - $39.95

Provides tools for common MBA thinking works tasks. Use them for your courses or on-the-job.

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MBA Mentor – A self-mentoring hypertext database application


As technology evolves, it is no longer as important how much you personally remember, but rather how quickly you can access the right information and right cognitive tools. MBA Mentor is a 475 page hypertext MS Word wikipedia-like application. It contains cognitive tools, called Thinklets, that represents best practices and tools distilled from over 25,000 pages of information.


This self-mentoring product is designed to be used on-demand as if you had a human mentor or consultant working directly with you. It functions by delivering the right cognitive tools (thinklets) to use for the most common critical thinking work tasks.






  MBA Mentor               






Main Menu (Home) toc TOCMainMenu



         1. Instructions & Navigations

         2. Project Consultants (Critical Thinking Processes)

         3. Thinklets Tool Sets (Thinking Functions)

         4. Question Sets (Thinking Tasks)

         5. Facilitative Management & Leadership

         6. Alphabetical Order of Thinklets




2. Virtual Project Consultants (Critical Thinking Processes)

Like using human consultants, these virtual consultants provide you with the critical questions to ask and tools to use, all within the correct thinking sequence.critical TOCType


Project work efforts (critical thinking) in business and organizations

typically have one of the following 7 aims.

Click on blue links


Virtual Consultant

Critical Thinking Purpose/Aim

  1. Basic (90-minute) Problem Solving  

Resolve an urgent problem, issue or challenge.

  1. Corrective Action Problem Solving (RCA)

Fix or correct a problem by restoring it to a past, standard or original condition.

  1. Systems Problem Solving

Resolve a complex cross-functional or organizational problem.

  1. Creativity & Innovation

Brainstorm and develop something new and of value that has never existed before.

  1. Improvement

Improve upon current levels of performance (process, product, service).

  1. Planning

Anticipate and prepare for future opportunities or imminent problems.

  1. Decision Making

Select a course of action among alternatives.



3. Thinklets Tool Sets (Thinking Functions) 

 It’s no longer as important how much you remember … but  rather how quickly you can access cognitive tools to help improve thinking performance.addendumtools


Like any manual tool, performance is based on choosing the right                          tool for the task-at-hand.  Find the tool you need and then                                  consider customizing with your own knowledge.


1.            Observe and become aware of problems & opportunities

2.            Define and describe the problem or situation.

3.            Analyze and understand the details.

4.            Create and innovate something new or different

5.            Systems Think the whole problem or situation

6.            Tap into Subconscious thinking

7.            Decision making tools

8.            Project management tools


4. Question Sets  (Thinking Tasks) rightquestion

Asking the right questions gives the mind the best

chance of finding the right answers.




Use these question sets to find the right questions to ask.


Forty Basic Thinking Tasks forty


Describe Situation or Problem

Describe the current situation, problem or opportunity.


Assess Importance

Assemble an evaluation team to assess the criticalness of the situation.


Align with Objectives

Identify key factors that drive organizational or personal success.




5. Facilitative Management & Leadership

mgmt  \

Facilitative Leaders & Managers maximize contributions in two primary ways:

        1)  Increase employee’s natural thinking productivity and effectiveness.    

        2) Facilitate good group interactions and relationships.


Use the following basic management and leadership functions to find the right tools and questions to ask that stimulate individual and group productivity of thought.

Click on blue links


Basic Function


Team Building

Build and maintain a high performance team and work environment.

Goal Setting

Set meaningful goals that are achievable.

Project Management


Execute project objectives (quality, on time, and within budget).

Time Management


Find ways to improve use of both work and personal time.



6. Alphabetical Order


Review the list for tools that might help with a thinking task. Blue links are active links. If there is a tool you want to use, simply copy and paste it to your document or agenda. 



Action Work Plan


Action plan development represents the critical stage in planning when general strategies and goals are made specific and aligned with resources.

Affinity Diagram


It is a method of capturing tacit knowledge about a particular issue and organizing large numbers of data into manageable groupings of information.


Analogies provide a thought process of converting the strange into the familiar that generates creative ideas and solutions.

Assemble a High Performance Team 

Getting the right mix of people with complimentary skills can greatly enhance a team’s effectiveness.  





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