Critical Thinking Self Coach  - $14.95

This application helps you master eight critical thinking functions to produce lifelong performance improvements. 

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Problem: Critical thinking helps find answers that are mostly found right inside each of us, all we have to do is to learn how to access our own wisdom.


Solution: Use this application to get familiar with the following eight critical thinking tasks.  Then the next time you encounter one of these tasks use the tools, techniques and questions to help … just as if you were being mentored by a trusted teacher, friend or hired coach. After some use, you will automatically begin to ask the right question and use the right thinking tools.


Screen shot: Below is a screen shot of the toolkit menu. Note: blue hyperlinks are not active.


Critical Thinking Self-coach Toolkit


Task 1. Self Awareness: Know your strengths, weaknesses, attitudes, biases and beliefs.


Positive Mental Attitude: Our attitude is the primary force that determines whether we succeed or fail.


Creative & Questioning Attitude: Developing questioning skills and a creative attitude will go a long way toward improving ongoing performance.


Finding Core Beliefs & Biases:  Becoming aware of our beliefs and how they impact our thinking can be a giant step in improving personal performance.


Personal Performance Success Factors: An effective way of maximizing future success is to employ the patterns of successful thinking and behavior that already works. 


Personal SWOT Analysis: A simple way of putting together an outline of your current or potential problems and opportunities.


Task 2. Observation: Observe and acknowledge existence of problems & opportunities.


Unclutter You Mind to Think Better: Just like cleaning your desk to better find things, Memory and Emotion Uncluttering techniques can improve your thinking abilities.


Putting Problems on the Table: The first step (and sometimes half the battle) in gaining control of life is to clearly identify the problems or events that produce anxiety and stress.


Problem/Opportunity Statement: Since the seeds of the solution are buried within the problem statement, it is essential to have it correctly and clearly stated. 


Mindfulness & Transformation: Mindfulness is awareness of the here and now that helps in acknowledging and confronting that a problem situation exists.


Personal Work Observation & Improvement: One of the best ways to get ahead is to do great work on your current job.  




Task 3: Understanding: Know the facts about your current environment or situation.


Real Problem Analysis: Once the problem has been identified, this template will help determine the right level at which the problem should be resolved. 


Basic Background and Transient Information:  Provides basic background information to understand the nature, scope and potential impact of the current problem.


Journalistic Trigger Questions:  Who, What, Why, When, Where, Why and How


Personal Understanding Matrix:  Observe or define the problem situation from three different personal perspectives and three different time frames


Impacts of Beliefs on Thinking: Understanding how personal biases and beliefs might influence thinking on any given situation will produce more effective thinking. 



Task 4. Goal Setting: Develop roadmaps to achieve purposes and resolve problems.


Life Dreams & Life Goals: By knowing precisely what you want to achieve, you will know where you have to concentrate your efforts to get there.


Personal Visioning:  Many of us have a vague sense of what is important in our lives. Rarely do we spend much time reflecting on it. Using this thinklet helps uncover personal desires that might not be fully obvious.


Problem Goal Statement Development:  Without a clear goal, people can easily head down the wrong thinking pathway and develop ineffective problem solutions.


Goal “milestone” Roadmap:  To optimize chances to successfully reach your goals, develop a roadmap.



Task 5: Analysis: Question the gap between where you are and where you want to be.


Obstacle (Gap) Analysis:  Problem/opportunity solving is can be seen as getting from the current state to the desired state by means of a series of actions that remove obstacles.


STOP (Brainstorm ideas to remove obstacles):  Identify and generate ideas based on removing the obstacles that may be hindering reaching your Goals. 


Why/Because Causal Chain: Not all problems can be resolved at their true root cause. Use this to determine the optimal point where the most effective solution can be applied.



Task 6. Creativity & Innovation: Develop creative ideas and solutions.


Personal Brainstorming: Personal brainstorming is outside-the-box thinking on a personal level.


Mind Mapping:  Rather than jotting down data/ideas in a neat sequential “outline” fashion, Mind Mapping encourages putting ideas/data and information into geometric, web-like or other creative visual patterns reflecting interrelationships.


Basic Creativity Trigger Questions: Using trigger questions can help generate a wide variety of ideas.  Truly creative solution are increased substantially when you have a large pool of ideas to consider.


Tap Your Subconscious for Ideas: It is believed that all great thinkers have had an ability to contact and release the powers of their subconscious mind. You can do the same with this technique.


Using your Meditative mind:  Mediation provides your mind with time to clear emotional clutter.




Step 7: Decision Making: s7s7

Decide what is the best idea or solution to implement.


Basic Decision Making Questions: Make and validate your decision.


Prioritization Matrix: This template is designed as a quick and simple way to prioritize alternatives that are easy to accomplish and have high value.


Personal Change Balance Sheet:  This thinklet can be used to help make decisions about changes in your personal life


Intuitive Coin Flip:  The intuitive coin flip is a very easy technique to start utilizing your intuition when it comes to making decisions.



Task 8: Planning & Action: Plan and take deliberate actions to move forward.


Resolve Any Problem:  No matter how complex or difficult, solve the “easiest part first”.


Five Hows:  This technique is used to help identify implementation tasks (steps). “How” is asked until a sufficiently detailed list of tasks has been developed.


Action Plan:   Action plan development represents the critical stage in planning when general strategies and goals are made specific and aligned with resources.







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