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Learning vs. Thinking








“I cannot teach anybody anything,

I can only help them think.”


New Educational and Learning initiatives are a daily event, but initiatives that empower thinking are rare.  While learning is obviously important, the future is more about improving workforce thinking productivity and effectiveness.


New ways of thinking are required to create a change-adept workforce that can better meet the challenges of constant change.


All the following white papers focus on clarifying what thinking really means, how it works, and how it can be naturally enhanced with Facilitated Thinking Technology.


An underlying theme of these white papers is that selecting the right cognitive tool for thinking tasks follows the same principle as selecting the right physical tool for manual tasks: Choose the tool appropriate for the task at hand.


Click on individual white papers,

or Table of Contents Site Map of all white papers.


1.   Facilitated Thinking Technology: A fifty-fold increase in thinking productivity.


2.   The Age of Exponential Change: The start of a new workforce era.


3.   Industrial-age vs. Knolwedge–age Thinking: The need for “and/both” thinking.


4.   Innovation Infrastructure: A systematic approach to innovation.


5.   Education: Readying students for a constantly changing workplace.


6.   Facilitative Leadership: The power of collaborative thinking. 

Send email to dj@nthdegreesoft.com to get a first draft copy.


7.   Table of Contents Site Map





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