


Nth Degree Software


On-the-job Training Approach








Innovation Handbook



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Does your organization face any of these workforce development needs:


1.    Employees leave training with valuable knowledge … but forget much of it. #

2.    Helpful training materials are given to employees … but rarely used.

3.    Important knowledge resides in employee minds …but lost when they retire or leave.

4.    Performance enhancing methods, procedures, practices is available … but underutilized.

5.    Employees need training … but don’t have time to take it.

6.    More innovative ideas are needed … but innovative thinking needs improvement.


#  Learning & Forgetting – A major limitation of training


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Today, typical corporate training programs “push” learning on employees with the hope that some of it will stick. However, whether learning comes from a book, video, classroom or online, all training has the same inherent limitation:


The average person remembers only 2-4%

of what they have been taught after 60 days.


So when the time comes to apply the learning, most of it is forgotten. See Curve of Forgetting: adm.uwaterloo.ca/infocs/study/curve.html


A new (old) appraoch to training.


So … instead of the traditional “memory” based learning, Nth Degree uses a “thinking” based approach to learning. Actually, this is not a new way to train but a very old way.  Historically, the most effective way of learning has always been, and continues to be, learn-by-doing. Skills can be passed along by mentors.


Example of our approach: Traditional Strategic Planning training can take days and even up to a full semester of university training, but we do it in one hour. The learning objective for our students/employees is for them to walk away from training in one hour knowing how to use the MindSights Strategic Planning application. The application is then used to mentor the employee “on-the-job” when and where knowledge is needed; aka “Learn-by-doing.”


Contact us for more information about our training services.



Types of Training Services





Mastering Innovation Course - $49.95 plus SharePoint hosting fee




This course teaches students personal innovation skills through hands-on use of  the MindSights Personal Innovation (PI) application. Students walk away with knowledge to apply PI on their jobs and within a SharePoint environment. The innovation skills that students acquire include: Systems Thinking, Futures Thinking, Questioning skills, Critical Thinking, and And/Both Decision Making.


Course includes:

  1. Concept level learning: Full Spectrum Innovation Handbook: Managing Change though Innovative Thinking
  2. Classroom level learning: Textbook/workbook for Personal Innovation
  3. Individual Student self-learning: MindSights Personal Innovation application for individual course work
  4. Collaborative learning: SharePoint Hosting for collaborative course work or online learning
  5. In-the-moment thinking: MindSights Problem solving Question-set that is used to improve in-the-moment thinking (see next product).

For more information contact us at info@nthdegreesoft.com.




MindSights On-demand Training


  • On-site Classroom Training:  Schedule training workshops when and where you want (2 hrs to 1 day).


  • Instructor-led Online Training: Cost effective ways to train employees with no travel time or costs.


  • Webinars Employees take training when they need it (one hour).


  • Learn-by-doing training: On-the-job training sessions are given as your project evolves and training is needed (1-2 hour sessions).




Customized Training


Would customized training better suit your needs? 

  • Easily embed your company culture, tools, and methodologies into MindSights applications.
  • Create project team specific workshops that focus learning objectives to project needs.
  • Tailor workshops for company-wide use … now everyone learns and uses the same tools.
  • Easily update workshops as tools and methodologies change.
  • Employees can customize the applications for their own use; it's like having living documents.





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