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Problem Solving Applications








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Problems vs. Issues vs. Opportunities


It’s common to mistake problems, issues, and opportunities. Yet, correctly identifying the situation is a critical first step for effective thinking. This is vital because you use different thinking processes and tools depending on what you are trying to resolve.




What are the differences?


  • Problems and problem solving reacts to change: Problems are conflict situations where people have opposite positions. Problem solving is more about choosing between either/or alternatives, e.g. restore a problem to either its past condition (don’t change) or accept the changed condition.


  • Opportunities and innovative thinking manages change: Opportunities, unlike a problem, are where people are not directly opposed. Rather, people are roughly going in the same direction but have differences on how to get there.  In these situations, innovative thinking (not problem solving) is used to develop and/both alternatives that combine the best of all positions.


  • Issues:  An issue is a matter about which sensible people disagree. Compared to problems, issues do not require developing solutions or actions to change the situation.  Resolving issues means reaching understanding and agreement on what belief or viewpoint is the most reasonable


The following truly are “problem solving” applications. Like any work task, make sure you choose the right tool for the type of problem you are working on.


See the white paper - Industrial-age and Knowledge–age Thinking: The need for “and/both” thinking.


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Problem Solving Applications




Basic 90-min. Problem Solving Coach - $9.95    See More Info     Buy Now


Use this application when you or your team need a quick resolution. It guides you or your team through a simple series of questions and tools that increases the quality of results and gives enough certainty and agreement that you can take effective action.




Creative Problem Solving Coach  - $14.95        See More Info      Buy Now


Alex Osborn and Dr. Sidney Parnes developed the Creative Problems Solving Process (CPS) in the 1950s. Use this application to guide you or your team to find creative problem solutions.




Systems Problem Solving Coach  - $19.95      See More Info      Buy Now


Problems generally do not exist in isolation. Use this application for complex problems. Instead of concentrating on resolving a specific problem, this application focuses on resolving the whole by analyzing the interrelationship between the problem parts.




Root Cause Problem Solving Coach - $14.95    See More Info    Buy Now


Root cause analysis (RCA) is about returning the problem back to a prior condition or standard.  The purpose of RCA is to take corrective actions and prevent the problem from ever happening again.  Use this application to determine the right point (root cause) where change can have the greatest impact on solving the problem.





How to Solve Any Problem   Free – click here


Use this problem solving application to resolve any problem/situation in any area of your personal or work life. The key to solving problems, no matter how complex or difficult, is to define and resolve the “easiest part first.” This method allows a gradual way of confronting what may appear to be an insurmountable situation.






Problem Solving Package    $49.95    Buy Now


Includes all the above applications, a 59.95 value.

  1. 90-minute Problem Solving Coach      
  2. Creative Problem Solving Coach    
  3. Systems Problem Solving Coach    
  4. Root Cause (RCA)  Problem Solving Coach   
  5. How to Solve Any Problem       










Complete Problem Solving Package    $49.95    Buy Now


Includes all the above applications, a 59.95 value.

  1. 90-minute Problem Solving Coach      
  2. Creative Problem Solving Coach    
  3. Systems Problem Solving Coach    
  4. Root Cause (RCA)  Problem Solving Coach   
  5. How to Solve Any Problem       






Complete Problem Solving Package    $49.95    Buy Now


Includes all the above applications, a 59.95 value.

  1. 90-minute Problem Solving Coach       
  2. Creative Problem Solving Coach    
  3. Systems Problem Solving Coach    
  4. Root Cause (RCA)  Problem Solving Coach   
  5. How to Solve Any Problem       








Complete Problem Solving Package    $49.95    Buy Now


Includes all the above applications, a 59.95 value.

  1. 90-minute Problem Solving Coach      
  2. Creative Problem Solving Coach    
  3. Systems Problem Solving Coach    
  4. Root Cause (RCA)  Problem Solving Coach   
  5. How to Solve Any Problem       





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