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Personal Innovation   


“Facilitated Thinking Environment”


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       Develop My Personal Innovation Skill sets

Personal Innovation Process

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My Innovation Portfolio

    Task 1: Jump start your innovation   


Creative ideas list

    Task 2: Ready yourself for innovation


Job deliverables  & outcomes list

    Task 3: Operational excellence innovations.


Operational improvements

    Task 4: Customer Service excellence innovations. 


Customer service improvements

    Task 5: Personal Performance excellence innovations.


Personal performance improvements

    Task 6: Turn creative ideas into valuable innovations.


Potential innovation projects list

   Task 7: Decide, implement and get feedback on innovations.


Active innovation project plans





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Personal Innovation     




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My Innovation Portfolio

    Task 1: Jump start your innovation   


Creative ideas list

    Task 2: Ready yourself for innovation

      2.1   Make the time to innovate.

      2.2   Upgrade your innovation skills.    

      2.3  Collect job information & data.

      2.4   Put unknown problems on the table


Job deliverables  & outcomes list

    Task 3: Operational excellence innovations

      3.1  Find Incremental improvements.

      3.2  Eliminate unnecessary work.

      3.3  Look at job fringe/interfaces for improvements.


Operational improvements

    Task 4: Customer Service Excellence innovations 

      4.1  Talk with your customers.

      4.2  Observe your customers behavior.

      4.3  Anticipate your customer’s unexpressed future needs.  

      4.4  Improve customer service.


Customer   Service improvements

    Task 5: Personal Performance Excellence innovations

      5.1. Identify your signature strengths.

      5.2. Retool yourself to make innovations.

      5.3  Analyze your personal performance for ideas.


Personal Performance improvements

    Task 6: Turn creative ideas into valuable innovations

      6.1  Develop more creative ideas.

      6.2  Synthesize and refine ideas into potential innovations.  

      6.3  Experiment to confirm feasibility of innovation.


Potential Innovation Projects List

    Task 7: Decide, implement and get feedback on innovation

      7.1  Decide what innovations are worth implementing.

      7.2  Decide what you can implement yourself.

      7.3  Develop an implementation plan.  

      7.4  Do It – bring innovation to life.

      7.5 Get feedback to make innovation better.


Active   Innovation  Project Plans


















Task 1: Jump Start your Innovation  


Many times the hardest thing to do is simply … getting started. So find a quiet place and even if it is only 30 minutes begin to identify ways to improve your job.

Start by looking for ideas and opportunities for improvement from things that are under your direct control. Not only will you be helping your company but finding ways to make a better job for yourself, improving your innovation skills, and boosting your career potential … all at the same time. More


Use the following facilitated thinking trigger questions to help generate ideas and opportunities. Then list the first 15-25 ideas that come to mind, even if they don’t seem logical or feasible.  Click on thinklet for more tools to stimulate your thinking.

Facilitated Thinking Questions:

  • If you had total control, what would you change about your job?
  • What is the easiest thing you can change to improve your job?
  • Is there work you can eliminate because it is no longer needed?
  • What aspects of your job do you like least? How can you improve them?
  • What might you be spending too much time on?



More Jump Start Innovation Questions


Personal Brainstorming

Thinking Workspace: Record ideas here or on your Creative Ideas List



















Jump Start Innovation – Trigger Questions

Facilitator Questions


What is the one thing that would make a tremendous difference in your job?


What is the purpose of you job and what are you really trying to get done?



How could new tools and resources could help you improve your job.



How would changing your work relationships make your job better?


What can you do to make the job more productive?


What can you do to improve the quality of your work?


What would you like to organize better?


What areas are you not spending enough time? What needs to be done?


What areas are you not spending enough time?



How can you improve quality?



Where can time be saved?



What information would simplify your job?



What have you complained about and how can you make it better?



What is the purpose of you job and what are you really trying to get done?



How could new tools and resources help you improve your job.
























Personal Brainstorming

Why Use It

Individual brainstorming tends to produce more ideas than group brainstorming because people are freer to create ideas/solutions without the worry of other people’s opinions. However, personal brainstorming may not develop as effective ideas, because an individual does not have the experience of a group and cannot piggyback ideas on those of others.  




Find a quiet spot and get relaxed.


Write out your challenge, “What would I change about my job?”. Concentrate on it for a few minutes, but do not think about ideas or solutions yet … just what the facts are.


Decide to generate a predetermined number of ideas/solutions. This will help get you past the trap of stopping at the first good idea that comes up.


Walk away and do something else for 5-10 minutes. This gets your conscious mind off the problem and gives your subconscious time to work.


Come back and start writing ideas as fast as you can. DO NOT analyze ideas but write fast and write whatever occurs to you, even if the ideas seem foolish or nonsensical. Do this for 2-3 minutes or until responses stop.


Next generate more ideas by pretending you are someone else that is involved in the problem or situation. Write ideas as if you were those people?


If you need more ideas, pick some key words from your problem or challenge and use a Thesaurus to change meanings. Use these words to trigger ideas.


Next, read and review the list of ideas that you have written.  Narrow the list to the top 3-5 ideas. Improve upon each idea by looking at an idea’s negatives or disadvantages and find ways to remove or minimize them.


Finally, decide what idea is best to implement.





















Personal Innovation Overview


Turn yourself from an “ordinary” employee into an “innovator” employee.


While Innovation articles have been telling organizations to “innovate or die”, there has been very little written about the need for personal innovation. The fact is sitting at the very heart of innovation is the individual. And it’s those individuals who acquire the skills and the companies who encourage individual innovation who will gain significant competitive advantages.


The idea that everyone in the organization is an innovator is a radical departure from how things used to be. In the past, workers were often instructed not to be thinkers, not to have ideas, and certainly not to ask many questions. Today we know that front line workers with their unique and invaluable perspectives can with the right tools create brilliant innovations.


As Procter and Gamble’s CEO A.G. Lafley warns in his book, The Game Changer, “If Knowledge workers don't make a commitment to support and practice innovation, they will be left behind by a world becoming much more innovative.” 


So … whether you like it or not, innovation is coming to your organization and you might as well get ahead of the curve because … your job … your career … and your company depend on it.


















Personal Innovation Skill-sets



Innovative thinking is about managing change … not about solving problems.


Problem Solving thinking skills vs. Innovative thinking skills


For the past century; problem solving (and scientific) thinking have dominated how we were taught and how we performed on the job.


Obviously, acquiring problem solving skills will always be necessary. However, the time has come that we need to more fully develop innovative thinking skills.


Innovative thinking vs. problem solving thinking


  • Problem Solving Thinking: The ability to analyze known data/information in order to find cause and effect relationships and then develop an appropriate solution. In the main, the thinking skills associated with solving problems focus on studying the past and analyzing data that already exists.


  • Innovative Thinking: The ability to anticipate unknown future data/information to determine what actions are needed now to prepare for an unpredictable future. Innovative thinking, on the other hand, embraces “Change” by focusing on studying the future and analyzing data that may not even exist yet.


Innovation thinking requires a certain mindset, one that tolerates change, and even one that flourishes on it. As important as acquiring problem solving skills are and will continue to be … the time has come to focus on developing the following innovative thinking skills.


Innovative Thinking Skills

Click on link




Questioning skills


The cornerstone of innovative thinking is good questioning abilities. But for centuries thinking has focused on problem solving by finding the right “answers” or “solution.”  Innovation, however, is not about  solving problems it’s about managing change by finding the right “questions” to ask to find the right innovation opportunity.


Systems Thinking skills


As more of everything becomes inter-connected … the less problems and opportunities exist in isolation. Developing innovative solutions in one area that causes problems in another is NOT innovation … it’s just bad business.  Systems thinking looks beyond what appears to be an independent situation and gives you the broader picture in which the problem or opportunity resides.



Futures Thinking


Futures thinking represents a shift away from a traditional problem solving which focuses on taking action to fix or resolve a current situation.  Futures thinking focusing on what the future “should be” and identifying  actions to get there.


In fact, Many people believe it is impossible to think realistically or know anything about the future … so the future can simply be ignored. Yet, almost every crisis results from failures to anticipate a likely eventuality. And in retrospect, we often recognize that the crisis was perfectly preventable had some Futures Thinking been done.



Creative Thinking skills


Historically, society and business have ridden on the shoulders of great creative geniuses. Because of this many people now believe creativity is magical and calls upon vast hidden powers.  We need to realize that all of us have creative abilities. Maybe not to the extent of daVinci or Einstein, but we can do some wonderfully creative things.


The creativity gap that ordinary people like you and me face is because … most of us have never been trained or asked to use our creative talents. For most of our school and work lives we have been trained to think  analytically.



Critical Thinking skills


No matter how effective your overall thinking abilities, it does little good if the data / information you are thinking about is incomplete, misunderstood, or inaccurate … or if you apply biased thinking to the information. 


Critical thinking gives you the ability to acquire valid information and think about it in an unbiased way.




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