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Thinklets … Tools for the mind.

Thinklets can be viewed as mental triggers or “thought switches” that activate thinking patterns not commonly used. 


In its purest sense a Thinklet can be as simple as: asking the right question at the right time.


Or a Thinklet may provide small bursts of thinking stimuli (expert facilitator questions) embedded in traditional thinking techniques, templates, and worksheets. 


Thinklets help alter routine thinking patterns and activate not commonly used patterns leading to new associations, relationships, and ultimately new innovative ways of thinking. There are five kinds of thinklets.  

  • Trigger Questions: Ask the right question to help the mind find the right answer.
  • Thinking Techniques: Instead of routine thinking, use fresh thinking patterns.
  • Templates: Guide your thinking with forms, worksheets, and models.
  • Tutors: Clarity and just-in-time understanding is essential for effective thinking.



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