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Facilitative Leadership Applications








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A new kind of Leader … for a new kind of workforce!




A new change-adept workforce that responds to continual customer and workplace changes … needs a new kind of leader.


While traditional leadership skills, (such as, motivating and inspiring people to action), remain important new facilitative leadership skills like the following are now required.


  1. Help employees maximize their potential: Facilitative leaders guide individuals to improve themselves and achieve optimum levels of performance and contribution.


  1. Facilitating meetings: As much as meetings are loathed, they are the setting where important collaborative work takes place. Leading meetings and managing the complexity of interactive thinking is an essential facilitative leadership skill.


  1. Building and nurturing relationships: This ranges from building trust through empathetic listening to establishing a high performance environment that best utilizes everyone’s skills.


For more information see white Paper – Facilitative Leadership: The power of collaborative thinking.


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Leadership Applications





MindSights Meeting Mentor  $49.95        See More Info      Buy Now


Use this application to jump start your meeting planning by choosing from pre-developed meeting agendas. Also use this application during meetings by accessing a powerful thinking task matrix that helps ask the right questions as if you have an expert guiding you.




Consultants On-demand $54.95       See More Info      Buy Now


MindSights 14 Consultants On-demand applications function much like human consultants who deliver advice by asking the right questions, recommending the right tools to use, and offering successful practices, methods and insights.






Strategic Planning $29.95       See More Info      Buy Now


Strategic planning is the process of determining your business/organization’s long-term vision or goals and how to fulfill them. Use this application to develop a framework for decision making on what short/long-term actions are important for achieving your organization’s success.





Project Management $24.95     See More Info      Buy Now


Project management is the discipline of planning, organizing and managing resources to bring about the successful completion of particular projects. Use this application to help complete your project on-time, within budget, and exceeding expectations.





Lean Six Sigma Professional $29.95     See More Info      Buy Now


Six-sigma is a methodology and set of tools used to improve quality to near perfection This simplified Six Sigma approach uses the DMAIC process (Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve, Control) to improve your business and organizational processes.





Professional Meeting Facilitator $19.95      See More Info      Buy Now


The secret for successful meetings comes from having a “Facilitator Mindset” that concentrates on “How” to improve meeting participants’ “productivity of thought.” This application empowers any meeting leader with professional skills to run successful meetings … every time!




Team Building Assistant $9.95       See More Info      Buy Now


Amazing things happen in teams when everyone has balanced work, common goals, and good relationships. Such teams do not just happen; they are carefully built and maintained. Use this application to help build your high performance team.




Goal Setting Assistant $9.95         See More Info      Buy Now


A goal describes what the problem or opportunity will look like after it has been resolved. Without clear goals, people scatter ideas around as they occur. After all, “If you don’t know where you are going, how are you going to get there?”   Unknown





Decision Making Coach          Click for free download


When confronted with decision making, we instinctively draw upon the skills with which we are most familiar to guide us.  However, the decision making thought patterns we are accustomed to using might not always lead to making the right decision. Use this application to help you make better decisions.




Knowledge Capture Application Developer     Click for free download

The goal of this application is for your employees to easily build knowledge applications that everyone can benefit from using. It does this by focusing on capturing “questions” rather than “answers”.  






Leadership Package    $99.95    Buy Now


Includes the following eight applications, a $134.95 value.

1.    Strategic Planning Mentor

2.    Project Management Mentor

3.    Professional Meeting Facilitator

4.    Lean Six Sigma Professional

5.    Team Building Assistant

6.    Goal Setting Assistant

7.    Decision Making Coach 

8.    Knowledge Capture Application Builder





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