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Improving In-the-moment Thinking


While we all possess the ability to think in different ways, each of us has developed dominant (scripted) thinking patterns. When confronted with a thinking task, the mind instinctively draws upon the skills that are most familiar to guide us. 


While this kind of scripted thinking works well for doing routine tasks, the danger of using routine thinking patterns is that these scripts can prevent knowledge-workers from seeing anything other than what is revealed by that script.


New MindSights Pocket Mentor applications


A major MindSights objective is to improve in-the-moment thinking through asking the right question(s). Asking the right questions gives your mind the best chance to find the right solutions, ideas, and answers.  As the following technology evolves, it will become easier and easier to use. Here is the start.














Kindle / Smart-phone (Handheld) Applications




MindSights Pocket Mentor: Problem Solving Question Sets - Free


The next time you are in a problem solving meeting that seems to be going nowhere … become a hero by getting it back on track by asking the right questions. Simply use your smart-phone to access the URL below to find the right questions to ask.



Your feedback is greatly appreciated on this prototype application. Send comments to Dennis Heindl at dj@nthdegreesoft.com.





Kindle Applications


Go To Amazon.com – Search on word(s) MindSights or “Facilitated Thinking.”


These first of its kind Kindle products are designed to not only be READ like a book … but more importantly USED in-the-moment of need.





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