


Nth Degree Software


Innovation Applications









Innovation Handbook



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Lucky vs. Deliberate Innovation


Not long ago, the typical organizational innovation process might have been considered “lucky.”  It was an individual creative genius shouting Eureka … and a corporate innovation hero jumping over internal hurdles to bring new products and services to market.


While serendipitous acts of creativity and eureka moments can still drive innovation … it’s time to deliberately foster innovation with a systematic approach that deploys the right mindset, skill-sets, and tool-sets.


Innovation leaders realize that there must be a shift from lucky innovation to predictable innovation that is a matter of strategy and habit.


Full Spectrum Innovation Applications


Today, companies need to think differently about the practice of innovation. It's not just about conceiving the next breakthrough innovation but rather building an innovation portfolio that constitutes a full spectrum of all the following nine types of innovations.


See white paper - Innovation Infrastructure: Managing change through innovative thinking.


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Full Spectrum Innovation Applications






a woman



Personal Innovation - $29.95        See More Info      Buy Now


This application empowers individual workers to build upon their personal strengths and  tap into their creative talents to make performance improvements in their own jobs in these three areas:


  1. Incremental Innovations: Optimize efficiency of you job by implementing operational excellence innovations.


  1. Cost Reducation Innovations:  Reduce costs by eliminating work no longer needed in your job.


  1. Customer Service Innovations: Find innovative ways to provide excellent customer service.


Skills Developed: While using this application, you will acquire these innovative thinking skills: Systems Thinking, Futures Thinking, Questioning skills, Critical Thinking, and And/Both Decision Making.







Collaborative / Team Innovation – Release 4th Quarter



This application facilitates self-organizing and customer-led teams to quickly experiment and develop innovations in these three areas:


  1. Product Extension Innovations: Add more product quality or features with minimal or no additional cost.


  1. Applied Technology Innovations: Utilize existing technologies in different ways to create more value.


  1. Next Generation Products & Services: Develop innovations that leapfrog your competition.


Skills Developed: While using this application, you will acquire these innovative thinking skills: Collaborative Thinking, Co-creativity, and Facilitative Leadership.








Organizational Innovation – Release 4th Quarter


This application guides formal project teams to develop “Big Picture” innovations in these three areas:


1.    Disruptive innovations: Find new technologies that supersede established business products and services.


2.    Business Process Innovations: Re-design business processes to reduce costs and add customer value.


3.    Sustainable Futures Innovations: Develop innovations that balance natural resources with consumer demand.


Skills Developed: While using this application, you will acquire these innovative thinking skills: Network thinking, Process thinking, Systems and Futures thinking.



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