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Full Spectrum Innovation handbook: Managing change via innovative thinking








Innovation Handbook



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Why you … and your entire organization need this handbook.


As workplace change accelerates … so does the need for innovation. Organizations are now looking for innovative employees who not only embrace change… but thrive on it.


Individuals and organizations must now learn to become change-adept through innovative thinking and a systematic innovation process. This short, easy-to-read handbook provides a concise and practical summary on how to do both.


Full Spectrum Innovation does this by focusing on these three primary areas for managing change.




  1. Mind-set:  Innovation starts with a change-adept mindset, which enables you and your organization to be proactive and find the opportunities that constant change creates.


  1. Skill-sets:  Once the mindset is established, the handbook describes the necessary skill-sets you and your organization need to support innovation.


3.    Tool-sets:  And since rarely can we remember all the right mental tools to use when thinking, the handbook solves this problem by identifying Facilitated Thinking Tools, called thinklets#, needed to support innovation skill-sets.   


Full Spectrum Innovation Application


And lastly, Full Spectrum Innovation puts the concept of Facilitated Thinking and Thinklets into practice with the following three applications.


1.    Personal Innovation: This application empowers individual workers to tap into their creative talents and make performance improvements in their own jobs.


2.    Team Innovation: This application facilitates self-organizing teams to quickly experiment with existing technologies and create new innovations … at minimal cost.


  1. Organization Innovation: This application focuses on business model, processes and disruptive innovations.


See the Table of Contents and Introduction below.


# What are Thinklets

Thinklets can be viewed as mental triggers to help lead the mind down different, creative pathways for developing new thoughts ideas and solutions. In a sense, these thinklets catalyze your thinking in much the same way that a consultant or expert facilitator would, by asking thought-provoking questions that are designed to stimulate thinking.



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Full Spectrum Innovation

As the fields of efficiency and quality have been systemized  

Full Spectrum Innovation now systemizes the field of innovation.



A handbook for

Managing Change

through Innovative Thinking.



Dennis  J.  Heindl



Table of Contents                            Page                                                            

Table of Links                                                       2


Introduction                                                        3


Part 1: PROBLEM - Exponential Change

        Evolution of Workplace Change                      6

        Era of Exponential Change Begins                  8


Part 2: NEED - Mastering Change

        Managing Change via Innovation                 10

        Challenges of Innovative Thinking                 12                                        

Part 3: SOLUTION - Facilitated Thinking

        Assembly Line for the Mind                             14

        Thinking Emulation Grid                                 16



         Full Spectrum Innovation FTEs                      18                                  

    Personal Innovation FTE                            20

        Value Creation Mindset                                  22


        Observation & Insights                                   24

        Critical Thinking                                             26

        Re-invent Your Job                                         28

        Busyness Syndrome                                        30


Team Innovation FTE                                   31

        Collaboration Mindset                                    33

        Facilitative Leadership                                    34

        Co-creative Thinking                                       35

        Rapid Experimentation                                    36


Organization Innovation FTE                           37

        Sustainable Futures Mindset                                        

        Systems Thinking                                             39

        Futures Thinking                                             41

        And/Both Decision Making                             43


          Conclusion                                                         44







Facilitated Thinking Technology

“It’s a really big idea … one the world needs.”

Alexander Linden, VP Emerging Technology, Gartner


What if there was a way to amplify your creativity, problem solving, systems thinking and all your thinking abilities anytime you choose? 


What if your thinking could be facilitated from the wisdom of the world’s best consultants, educators, and coaches … on-demand? 


There is a way … it’s called Facilitated Thinking Technology TM.


Why read this handbook? This handbook was created to help you become a better thinker in the following ways:


1.    The handbook itself provides a practical approach to mastering change through improved innovative thinking capabilities.  


2.    The links in the handbook provide additional information and cognitive tools, called thinklets, to improve your thinking skills.


3.    The handbook puts theory into practice with Facilitated Thinking Environments TM (FTE) applications that enable creation of more and better innovative ideas … on-demand.



Premise for developing Facilitated Thinking TechnologyTM.


Around the year 2000, a stunning convergence of information and communication technologies introduced an era of exponential change and brought about a true revolution in how people work.


To successfully compete in this era of hyper-change requires that we not only learn to master change, but thrive on it. Clearly, society must now develop a change-adept thinking workforce … But How?


The answer, given here in four parts, describes how knowledge workers “Think” their way through change rather than relying on training to “Learn” their way through change.  



Part 1: PROBLEM - Exponential Change


Change is starting to happen so fast that many, if not most, of us are having a hard time coping with it. We are witnessing that long standing practices and ways of doing business are crumbling in the wake of world-wide change.


Yet … many individuals and organizations believe that change remains manageably slow … and that predictability and repeatability are the foundations of success.



Part 2: NEED – Mastering Change


The bottom line: As change accelerates … so does the need for innovation and innovative thinking. To flourish in an age of massive change requires perpetual innovation. Some supporting quotes:


  • “Innovation is the ability to see change as an opportunity - not a threat.”  Steve Jobs, CEO Apple.


  • The future belongs to companies whose employees apply “innovative thinking” to benefit from the opportunities of constant change” Jack Welch, Fmr GE CEO.



Part 3: SOLUTION - Facilitated Thinking Technology                                                                                                                                                


Business visionary Peter Drucker in 1999 said:  


“One of the biggest management challenges of the 21st century will be to increase knowledge worker “innovative” thinking productivity fifty-fold, the same as manual worker labor productivity increased in the 20th century, so far it has been abysmally low.”


Facilitated Thinking Technology is an important step in boosting U.S. workers thinking productivity. It works by emulating how skilled consultants and educators provide intellectual guidance.


In many respects, it functions in much the same way that the invention of the assembly line and factory automation improved Industrial era worker labor productivity. Note: This is the dry part of the handbook.



Part 4: APPLICATIONS – Full Spectrum Innovation


Full Spectrum Innovation puts the concept of Facilitated Thinking into practice with the following three Facilitated Thinking Environment (FTE) applications.


4.    Personal Innovation FTE: This application empowers individual workers to tap into their creative talents and make performance improvements in their own jobs.


5.    Team Innovation FTE: This application facilitates self-organizing teams to quickly experiment with existing technologies and create new innovations … at minimal cost.


  1. Organization Innovation FTE: This application focuses on business model, processes and disruptive innovations.





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