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An experiment in Free applications


The following applications are free for your use and benefit.


Because these applications are designed to be fully customizable, they can easily be modified with your insights and knowledge. Together, let’s experiment to see if the following free applications can be turned into a “Linux-type” application.


Send your modified application back to Dennis Heindl at  dj@nthdegreesoft.com. We’ll add it to this list and see how it evolves.



Free MindSights Applications





How to Solve Any Problem     Click for free download


This problem solving application helps you resolve any problem/situation in any area of your personal or work life. The key to managing problems, no matter how complex or difficult, is to define and solve the “easiest part first.” This method allows a gradual way of confronting what may appear to be an insurmountable situation.




Career Development Self-coach    Click for free download

 The purpose of this career development application is to help you clarify what you really want out of life.  It does not give you “answers” or choose your vocation for you, but like the human coach it asks you questions to help you discover your true vocation and choose a path that is best for you in your life.





Decision Making  Coach     Click for free download


When confronted with decision making, we instinctively draw upon the skills with which we are most familiar to guide us.  However, the decision making thought patterns we are accustomed to using might not always lead to making the right decision. Use this application to help you make better decisions.





Character Education – High School Student Self-coach  Click for free download

Students interact with this non-judgmental application using thinklets to help themselves set clearer goals, solve problems, make better decisions, manage time, handle conflicts and much more. Faculty can easily modify thinklets to fit one student, a group of students, or the needs of the entire student body.







Knowledge Capture Application Developer     Click for free download

The goal of this application is for your employees to easily build knowledge applications that everyone can benefit from using. It does this by focusing on capturing “questions” rather than “answers”.  



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