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Giving Answers … STOPs thinking and learning

For the past 150 years, Industrial-era companies valued standardization. They valued employees who worked efficiently and who could memorize work practices. On-the-job questioning and thinking were not encouraged.




Education successfully met those needs with standardized curriculums and standardized tests that required memorizing standard answers.


While memorizing answers has its purpose, the problem with this way of learning in the modern era is that: Once an answer is given … thinking generally stops.


  • When the formal test, pop quiz, or national exam is done … thinking about the content can stop.


  • When we find an answer (any answer) to a problem … thinking about the problem can stop.


  • When someone gives us an answer, even if it’s the wrong answer … thinking can stop.


Asking Questions … STARTs thinking and learning

Today, Knowledge-era companies want workers who can “think” through constant change. The underlying theme of facilitated thinking and the cornerstone for improving knowledge workers’ thinking productivity … is their ability to first become effective “questioners.” From an educational perspective, students who are curious and ask questions engage themselves in the process of learning.  Yet … students are not readily assessed on their ability to ask questions. There doesn’t seem to be any tests where … The question is the answer.


Albert Einstein said: What's different about me?

It's my ability to ask the right questions clearly and cleanly.


Self-learning through self-questioning

It is no longer enough to graduate and walk away from education with knowledge that’s remembered ... and then forgotten. Students need to also walk away with “toolsets” that they can apply on-the-job and in their lives … for a lifetime!  All the following products oriented to questioning and cognitive toolsets.

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Education Applications




Question-it application - $14.95         See More Info      Buy Now

A good question stimulates the mind to find the best ideas, answers, and solutions. Use this application with 28 question sets and over 1,500 questions to help guide your students to develop their own great questions. You can also easily integrate questions into any course.






Thinklets Tool-sets application - $17.95    See More Info      Buy Now


People rarely bring to mind all the right tools and questions that support their thinking.

This matrix contains over 175 cognition tools (thinklets) for teacher or student use. Tools are organized by these seven basic thinking functions: 1. Observation 2. Definition 3. Data Gather & Analysis 4. Systems Analysis 5. Creativity 6. Decision Making 7. Implementation.




dream knolwedge capture

MBA Mentor  $29.95        See More Info      Buy Now


MBA Mentor is a 475 page hypertext MS Word application. It contains cognitive tools, called Thinklets, that represent best practices and tools distilled from over 20,000 pages of information. This self-mentoring product is designed to be used on-demand as if you had your MBA professors or skilled consultants mentoring you when and where you needed help.





Character Education – High School Student self-coach  Click for free download

Students interact with this non-judgmental application using thinklets to help themselves set clearer goals, solve problems, make better decisions, manage time, handle conflicts and much more. Faculty can easily modify thinklets to fit one student, a group of students, or the needs of the entire student body.






Self Education Package    $49.95    Buy Now


Includes these 3 applications, a $62.95 value.

  1. Question-It
  2. Thinklets Tool-sets
  3. MBA Mentor



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Personal  Mastery Applications




Critical Thinking Self-coach  - $14.95      See More Info      Buy Now

Scholars see a correlation between asking self-awareness questions and effective critical thinking. This application provides eight Personal Mastery critical thinking skill set areas. By using them you will master them … and produce lifelong performance improvements. 





Personal Life Self Coach  - $9.95      See More Info      Buy Now


It is one thing to want to change, for life to get better; it is quite another to make it happen. Like a human life-coach, this “coach-in-a-box” application guides you in clarifying of your life’s purposes, setting long and short-term goals, and taking  deliberate actions to better manage life change and work challenges.




Time Management Self-coach    $9.95      See More Info      Buy Now


Time management is a very important business and personal skill. This application helps you make conscious choices, so you can spend this non-renewable resource as effectively and productively as possible.




Mental Muscle Builder   $7.95    See More Info      Buy Now


Just as the body develops physical muscle with exercise, the brain develops mental muscle (myelin & dendrites) with mental exercise. Use this application to strengthen your brain and improve your overall thinking abilities.  



Career Development Self-coach    Click for free download

 The purpose of this career development application is to help you clarify what you really want out of life.  It does not give you “answers” or choose your vocation for you, but like the human coach it asks you questions to help you discover your true vocation and choose a path that is best for you in your life.






Personal Mastery Package    $29.95    Buy Now


Includes the above five applications, a 43.95 value.

  1. Critical Thinking Self-coach
  2. Personal Life Self-coach
  3. Time Management Assistant
  4. Mental Muscle Building Coach
  5. Career Development Self-coach   




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