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Clicking on the button below will download a MS Word document that has been automated to run like a browser with traditional software functionality. Please Note:

  1. Hypertext navigation: The MS Word default for a hypertext link is “CTRL + Click.” So, if the  “hand icon” is not showing, hold the [Ctrl] key down while clicking. To change to one click, see instructions below.


2.    Read-only: For security purposes the document will open as read-only. If you save it to your PC you will have full MS Word functionality.



One-click Navigation


If you are running Word in Windows XT look at the menu bar and:  

1. click on Tools;  

2. then click on Options;  

3. then click on Edit;   

4. then click "off" the check box that says [Use CNTL + click to follow hyperlink].

See screen shot.



If you are using MS Word in Vista:  

1. click on the Office Button  in the upper left.

2. Click on Word Options (at the bottom).

3. Click on the Advanced link and

4. then click "off" the check box that says [Use CNTL + click to follow hyperlink]. 

See screen shot.








Copyright ©  Nth Degree Software, Inc.    -   Greendale,  WI  53129    -   414-529-1878    -    dj@nthdegreesoft.com    -    Home