


Nth Degree Software










Innovation Handbook



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·     SharePoint Solution

·     On-the-job Training

·     Knowledge Capture


FTE Publishing Architecture


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Our services are all Knowledge-transfer oriented.



The only good is knowledge

and the only sin is ignorance.

... Socrates








Most company training programs use a just-in-case learning approach that “pushes” knowledge and information at workers… with hope that some of it will stick. Our learning technologies allow workers to “pull the learning they need … at the exact moment when it is needed. 


  • On-site Classroom Training:  Schedule training workshops when and where you want (2 hrs to 1 day).


  • Instructor-led SharePoint Online Training: Cost effective ways to train employees … no travel time or costs.


  • Self-training Webinars: Employees take training when they need it (1 hour).


  • Trainer-in-a-box: More than ever people are interested in self-improvement from a quality of life standpoint. Let us help you establish a “Trainer-in-a-box” environment that your employees can use to upgrade their thinking skills. Or hold brown bag training lunches using MindSights’ 200+ thinklets to encourage self-development.





  • MindSights applications: All applications can be easily modified to include your own tools.
  • Training material: All training material can be easily modified to include your own tools.

Call us to find out how we develop quick ½ -2 hour training modules that fill difficult on-the-job training needs.





  • Integrated Publishing Model: Let us work with you to build a fully integrated publishing model that surrounds your employees with performance enhancing tools.


  • Learn-by-doing Project Coach: We will function as an on-the-job facilitative leader to your project team. We will both guide work plans and coach workers along the way on an as needed basis.





Application Development

Let us help you build these kinds of applications


  • Knowledge Capture applications: Valuable knowledge walks out the door when people retire or leave. We’ll help capture that knowledge and put it into an easy to use application that benefits everyone.


  • M&P applications: Valuable but little used information in your Methods and Procedure manual can be turned into powerful “in-the-moment” tools that significantly boost worker performance.


  • SharePoint applications: Get your employees collaborating and sharing knowledge.





Copyright ©  Nth Degree Software, Inc.    -   Greendale,  WI  53129    -   414-529-1878    -    dj@nthdegreesoft.com    -    Home