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Innovation Handbook



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·     Problem Solving

·     Leadership

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·     Personal Mastery

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·     SharePoint Solution

·     On-the-job Training

·     Knowledge Capture


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MindSights products run on the following platforms and are designed to be “living products” that can be customized to fit individual, team, or your entire organization’s needs.  See FTE Publishing Architecture


  1. Smart-book applications: These personal and team applications are MS Word documents that been automated to run like a browser and traditional software. See Demo.





  1. SharePoint applications: These collaborative applications are run in SharePoint. See SharePoint Solution


3.    eReader applications: These applications run on Amazon Kindle and Sony Daily devices.  


4.    Smart-phone applications: Web enabled Pocket mentor applications that you can use anytime anyplace.


5.    Hardcopy handbook: See Innovation Handbook


Buy online and get immediate download – click here


Click on product name for description


Innovation smart-book applications

  1. Personal Innovation Consultant - $29.95
  2. Collaborative Team Innovation Consultant – available 4th qtr.
  3. Organizational Innovation Consultant – available 4th qtr.


Problem smart-book applications

  1. Basic “90-minute” Problem Solving Coach - $9.95
  2. Creative Problem Solving Coach - $14.95
  3. Systems Problem Solving Coach - $19.95
  4. Root Cause Analysis Problem Solving Coach – $14.95
  5. Free: How to Solve Anything Coach - $4.95 value, click to download
  6. Problem Solving Package $49.95


Facilitative Leadership smart-book applications

  1. MindSights Meeting Mentor - $49.95
  2. Consultants On-demand - $54.95
  3. Strategic Planning Mentor - $29.95
  4. Project Management Mentor - $24.95
  5. Professional Meeting Facilitator - $19.95
  6. Lean Six Sigma Professional - $29.95
  7. Team Building Assistant – $9.95
  8. Goal Setting Assistant – $9.95
  9. Free: Decision Making Coach - $9.95 value, click to download
  10. Free: Knowledge Capture App Builder - $15.95 value, click to download
  11. Leadership Package $99.95


Self Education smart-book applications

  1. Question-It - $14.95
  2. Thinklets Tool-sets - $17.95
  3. MBA Mentor - $39.95
  4. Free: Character Education – HS Student Self-coach  - $12.95 value, click to download
  5. Self Education Package $49.95


Personal Mastery smart-book applications

  1. Critical Thinking Self-coach  - $14.95
  2. Personal Life Self-coach - $9.95 
  3. Time Management Assistant - $9.95
  4. Mental Muscle Building Coach $7.95
  5. Free: Career Development Self-coach - $10.95 value, click to download
  6. Personal Mastery Package $29.95



MindSights SharePoint Applications Go To SharePoint Solutions


Kindle eReader Applications Go to www.amazon.com


Smart-phone applications coming soon.


Free Applications – Click to download

  1. How to Solve Anything Coach
  2. Career Development Self-coach 
  3. Decision Making Coach 
  4. Character Education – HS Student Self-coach 
  5. Knowledge Capture Application Builder




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