DEMO Professional
Life Coaches do a great job of helping people attain higher levels of
performance. Unfortunately, not everyone has the means to hire one. NOW,
anyone can benefit from the wisdom of professional coaches (anytime and
anyplace). PMSC includes the following six MindSights products. This demo mostly shows the Home Page
(Menus) for each smartbook application. Simply click on the blue hyperlinks to move around |
Table of Contents (TOC)
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Purpose It is one thing to want life to change, for life to get better; it is quite another to make it happen. The following eight Personal Mastery skill set areas are not just to promote one-time improvement. By using them you will master them … and produce lifelong performance improvements. Then the next time you encounter one of these tasks use the tools, techniques and questions to help … just as if a trusted teacher, friend or hired coach was mentoring you. Main
Purpose “If you don’t know where you are going, how are you going to get
there?” Unknown The above quote pretty much states why identifying your
life’s purpose and goal setting is important. By knowing where you want to go
in life, you will know where you have to concentrate your time and
efforts. Properly-set goals can be
amazingly motivating, and as you get into the habit of setting and achieving
goals, you'll find that your self-confidence builds fast. Main
Task 1. Personal Understanding (Know your strengths, weaknesses,
attitudes, biases and beliefs) Purpose: If you want to change your life, you need to know yourself
in order to know what needs changing. Self awareness is so important that
most coaches
believe it is
the critical building block for developing self esteem and confidence. When
you have identified what makes you happy, you can set goals and make
priorities based on what is important to you. Self awareness also can give you the answers to problems,
life’s questions, choosing a suitable career, and much more. The reason is
the answers are mostly found right inside each of us, all we have to do is to
learn how to access our own wisdom. How To Use It Self awareness begins with coming to know yourself through
paying attention to our senses, thoughts, feelings and intuition. It is an
ongoing process that you should invest time in everyday. Use the following
tools (thinklets) to discover what you have inside.
Life Coach Transformation
Questions Check List Why Use It Most of us have dreams and goals we want to accomplish in our lives. Most of us are full of good intentions. Moreover, most of us have a very difficult time reaching our dreams and achieving our goals. The reason, for most of us, is the “CHANGES” we need to make to achieve our goals seem too large and overwhelming. We convince ourselves that we do not have the time, money or skills needed. The “secret” to achieving goals and changing life is that transformation happens with small steps and tiny changes. How to Use Write down your answers to the following transformation questions. Decide one by one what you want to work on.
Knowing that you can solve virtually any problem you encounter
can be very empowering. Problems will no longer be as scary and stressful
since you will feel confident and self-assured that you will be able to
resolve them. This Problem Solving Coach gives you a lifelong problem
solving process you can use to meet every challenge and move on. The process
guides you (like a human coach) to become aware of the “right” problem,
identify the best solution and self-initiate action plans. Main
Purpose Like a human coach, this career
development software application is to help you clarify what you really want
out of your work life – what would really give you satisfaction, make you
feel fulfilled. This
application does not give you “answers” or choose your vocation for you …
BUT, like the human coach the following tasks will ask you the right
questions and provide the right tools to help you discover your own true
vocation and choose a path that is best for your life. Main Menu
Purpose Time
management is a very important business and personal skill. It essentially
means spending your hours and minutes in the day as effectively as possible. Most
people think there are more things they need to do, or would like to do, than
they have time for. This happens a lot at work, and often results in working
overtime with stress and feeling guilt or panic if deadlines aren't met. Good
time management won't remove all the inevitable pressures and conflicts that
arise in most jobs, but it will help make the working day more productive and
satisfying. Main Menu
Purpose From a mental muscle building
standpoint, just as the body develops physical muscle with exercise, the
brain develops thinking muscle (myelin & dendrites) with mental exercise.
More mental activity strengthens the brain instead of wearing it out. Use
this smartbook to strengthen your brain and improve your overall thinking
ability and effectiveness Mental Application Content Map
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